Dr. d’Onofrio works at the interface between Machine Learning, Physics and Applied Mathematics. He graduated in Electrical Engineering at Pisa University (1993), and got a PhD in ‘Medical Computer Sciences’ at the Roma Sapienza University (2000). He has been PostDoc, Researcher (2003) and Group Leader (2008) at the European Institute of Oncology, Milan. Between 2014 and 2020 he was Directeur de Recherche at the International Prevention Research Institute, Lyon. Since 2022 he is a Senior Researcher in Computer Science at the Trieste University, where he leads the “Computer Science for Complex Sytsms” Lab. He enjoys playing with: Behavioral Epidemiology, Mathematical Oncology, and Stochastic Modeling. Google H Index: 45
Technical keywords:
Complex Systems
Theoretical Biophysics
Application keywords: